Rabu, 10 Juni 2009

Black Hole

Black hole is a concentration of mass great enough so that the style of the great gravity. Style gravity of this very large to prevent any of it unless it passes through the quantum behavior of the tunnel. Gravity field so strong, so the nearby offshore 8kecepatan near light speed. There is nothing, including electromagnetic radiation that can pass from it's gravity, even light can only enter but can not exit, or through, from here is the word "black". The term "black hole" has been widespread, although he does not point to a hole in the usual sense, but it is a region in space where all can not go back. In theory, black holes can having any size, from microskopic up to the size of the highway.Black hole maded an object can not stand the power of pressure it's gravity own style. Many of the objects (including the sun and the earth) will never become a black hole. Pressure of gravity on the sun and the earth is not sufficient to exceed the atomic and nuclear power in itself is against the pressure of gravity.the sun become a black hole,If diminished in size of a city.Our Earth can also become a black hole if it's size is like this

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